Got a database?

Leverage AI to quickly build data entry forms, sheets, and reports

Cut development costs

Developing and maintaining internal applications to enter and update records in a database is expensive. Now you can significantly lower costs by using Visual DB instead of developing custom applications.

No coding skills? No problem!

Visual DB is a productivity application, not a developer tool. You don't need to understand SQL or any other programming language to use Visual DB. You build forms using Visual DB's drag-and-drop interface and assistance from AI.

Bring your own database

Relational databases often serve as integration hubs, with multiple business applications accessing and updating the same data. If an application platform does not allow direct access to the underlying database, the effectiveness of the database as an integration hub is compromised.

Visual DB allows you to bring your own database, giving you complete control and ownership, and ensuring that the database can be used with multiple applications beyond just Visual DB.

Role-based access control

Users in your company don't all need the same level of access. Visual DB lets you grant some users in your company permission to design forms and sheets, while allowing other users to only enter and update data.

Database management

Manage your database

Visual DB offers all the essential tools needed to create and modify databases.

Browse through schemas, table data, and relationships with ease. View diagrams showing relationships between tables.

Visual DB supports creating and dropping tables, and adding and removing columns. It supports adding relationships between tables. It can import and export data to CSV files.

Upgrade from Excel

Over-reliance on Excel causes a multitude of problems such as data overlap, mistaken entries, conflicts from simultaneous usage, lack of scalability, and difficulty in maintaining data integrity and security.

Storing data in a relational database solves these problems by centralizing data management, ensuring data consistency, providing robust data validation, and enabling concurrent access without conflicts.

Visual DB provides a spreadsheet-like interface so that users can migrate from Excel easily, and get all the benefits of a relational database without losing the ease-of-use of spreadsheets.

Learn more about Visual DB sheets.

Form builder
Form builder

Design custom forms

You can build data entry forms using a drag & drop interface. You can rearrange fields, add data validation and change input types. You can even add logic to hide or disable fields. All without writing any code!

Thanks to AI assistance, you can lay out even complex forms in just a few minutes.

Learn more about Visual DB forms.

Build interactive reports

Build interactive reports consisting of tables and charts.

In a table report, end-users can change the sort of a column, change the grouping, or filter data using nested AND/OR conditions. Totals update instantly as you change the groups and filters. As-you-type full-text filtering is also supported.

Visual DB can efficiently summarize and render data using pivot charts. Bar charts, pie charts, treemap, choropleth, scatter and bubble charts etc. are all supported.

Visual DB has excellent support for time-series analysis.

Learn more about Visual DB reports.


Build queries visually

Your database may contain millions of records, but you may only want to display, say, 50,000 records in the spreadsheet interface. Or you may want to display columns from lookup tables, in addition to columns from the main table.

Fortunately, Visual DB has an easy-to-use query builder that accommodates these needs. It transparently joins tables. It helps you build complex conditions visually, and supports query parameters.

Leverage Artificial Intelligence

There are three ways to build queries in Visual DB: Use our visual query builder (recommended), type the query in SQL (for those who know SQL), or just type your query in English! Our AI will translate your natural language queries to SQL.

Other features of Visual DB powered by AI include automatic form layout.

Formula editor
Formula editor

Excel-style formulas

Excel-style formulas and functions are available if you need to add a calculated field.

Visual DB compiles formulas to JavaScript and sends them down to the browser, where they get executed at native performance.

Interactive Form Builder

interactive layout editor

Automatic Database Diagram

interactive layout editor

Supports popular databases and clouds

MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, Oracle and SQL Server databases are supported.
Cloud databases including Azure SQL, Amazon RDS, Google Cloud SQL and AlloyDB are supported.

Getting Started

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  • Unlimited forms, sheets and reports.
  • Unlimited number of users.
  • Role-based access control.
  • 1,000 record limit.
Get started



  • 5 users minimum.
  • All features of free version, plus:
  • 100,000 records displayed at a time.
  • No limit to number of records in the database.
Get started